Increase your revenues by selling gift cards in-store or online!

It's no longer a secret that gift cards are increasingly popular with consumers. They can attract new customers at low cost and can be a gold mine for merchants.

If you don't already have a program to sell your gift cards, you should strongly consider setting one up...

Not only do gift cards help raise brand awareness with consumers, but they are an important source of revenue since statistics show that approximately 10% of gift cards are never used, while 20% of credits are never exchanged. It is therefore money that you will have received in advance against products or services that you may never sell.

But the most interesting statistic is the revenue generated when they are used, since 60-70% of people spend more than the value of the card when used.

The gift card is also a nice gift to give to reward your employees since it is not considered a taxable benefit.

Freebees benefits for your business

  • In addition to your plastic gift cards, you can now sell electronic gift cards securely on your website or through social media;
  • Your electronic gift cards will even be sold through the Freebees Boutique;
  • You can even add Bonus Dollars / Funds to the gift cards to stimulate sales;
  • Personalized design of your gift cards and personalized card holders also available;
  • Free import of your current gift cards into our database;
  • Reloadable gift cards;
  • Plastic gift card are more beautiful and more durable than paper certificates, but above all, you will no longer have to manage the balances by hand or in an Excel file to track cards;
  • Gift cards can be integrated with several payment terminals or Point of Sale systems or be used in a stand-alone version from a website.